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In the eddie

White water kayaking at Deerfield, MA

Original trip description:

Spend the day with me and Zoar Outdoor learning to kayak on class I-III white water on the Deerfield River in MA. (Learn about white water classifications.) Everything (including lunch) is provided by Zoar for $127.50 + $18.75 cancellation insurance ('cause you never know). Although I'm labeling it Easy (Zoar calls it for Novices), this trip is not the same as ocean touring. I recommend this trip for anyone who's been in a kayak at least once before and wants to step up their game for the summer. I'm driving us 3.5 hours each way (road trip!!) and since it starts 8:30a, pick up is promptly at 4:30a (don't be late) from the Dunkin Donuts at the 36th Ave N (or Q) train station in Astoria Queens. That's right party-people, that's 4:30 in the friggin' morning(!!), so before going for that umpteenth beer of the night, just say, "No!" and head straight for the pickup point; sleep it off on the way there. Reserve your spot now directly through Zoar at 800-532-7483 (ask for Nicole and tell her you're paddling with Al Berrios. She'll hook you up), then reply to this email to reserve your ride with me. (If they run out of kayaking spots and you really want to go, they also have beginner white water rafting [different type of boat + paddle] and zip lining on that date that you can sign up to). Remember to bring food, gas, and toll money. We should be back home 10p-ish, depending on traffic conditions (it's gonna be a long, but awesome day). This trip is exclusive to this email list and will not be posted on Facebook/Eventbrite.

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