Outerthere Surfs the Rock

Outerthere Surfs the Rock

Unlike our other trips, surfing is the least predictable type of adventure we can plan.

Sometimes, the weather is overcast. Other times, the tide just doesn't want to cooperate and there are no swells. And other times, the water's just sketchy.

Oh, and that Rockaway Beach boardwalk is still under construction from Hurricane Sandy.

But it's our local surf beach and we're going for the day.

We brought our towels, flip flops, and plenty of sun screen, and went surfing (here's a handy beach cam and surf report by Surfline that we'll be checking that weekend)

Beach day surfin' whitcha homies was dope.

Surf was up all day. Sun was out all day, despite the weather forecast. Beach was empty all day, so no tourists scared of rain.

Fam brought pizza and beer all day and all was good in the world.

And just when I got too burned to stay out, we left to get more drinks.

And then it rained. Yeah, it was a good day.

Outerthere Sails the Hudson!

Outerthere Sails the Hudson!

It just rained nonstop

It just rained nonstop